Schedule of Events

Tuesday, November 15

11:00am Chapel Address: Reading the Bible the Right Way Up Estes Chapel
7:30pm Lecture: The Return of the Gardener: Jesus the Crucified Emmanuel & Q&A Estes Chapel

Wednesday, November 16

11:00am Chapel Address Estes Chapel
4:00pm Biblical Studies Seminar McKenna Chapel
7:30pm Lecture Hughes Auditorium (AU)

Thursday, November 17

11:00am Chapel Address: A House for All Nations: the New Temple and the Missionary Church Estes Chapel

NOTE: These are not ticketed events. Seating is limited, and is first-come, first-served.

Sign up for your free class with Dr. Wright, Faith Working Through Love at available through FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2022.

Faith Working Through Love. In this course, Dr. Wright examines a series of Biblical texts that discuss how Christians should consider the work they do. As you’re guided through Old and New Testament teachings, you’ll discover concrete actions you can take to live out the fullness of being in the image of God, and become an agent for positive change in a broken world.