2016-09-19Asbury Theological Seminary dedicates the G. Herbert Livingston Archaeology and Israel Studies Learning Lab, September 26 at 4 p.m. The lab serves as a museum, learning laboratory, research resource and enhanced classroom on the third floor of Crary-McPheeters.

“The learning lab focuses on the real-life dimension of the biblical story,” Dr. Lawson G. Stone, Chair of the Department of Old Testament, said. “By reinforcing the lived, concrete realities of life in the lands and times of the Bible, the lab enhances our grasp of the biblical message. We also encounter the cross-cultural reality of biblical revelation. When we realize we must hear God’s word cross culturally, from lands, times and cultures far from our own, we are better equipped to proclaim God’s word cross culturally today.”

The Livingston Lab houses a collection of authentic archaeological artifacts from Bible lands dating from over 5000 years ago through the St. Augustine period around A.D. 400. The lab contains pieces from the times of Abraham, Moses, Gideon, David and the prophets, more than 10,000 high-resolution images of Bible lands, a library of historic and contemporary maps and illustrations, and a specialized collection of excavation reports.

The Livingston Lab enhances classroom courses, but also provides the Asbury Seminary community with a deeper understanding of the biblical truth and cultural setting that gave us the Scriptures. The lab provides a rich, interpretive learning experience with each artifact having an explanatory card describing the piece and its connection to the biblical story.

The Livingston Lab is named in honor of G. Herbert Livingston, who taught at Asbury Seminary from 1953 until 1987 and excavated the ancient biblical city of Ai in the 1960s. The artifacts in the lab come from Dr. Livingston, the family of Dr. Dewey Beegle, and several other donors. The Seminary hopes to establish a working relationship with the archaeological community in Israel to allow additional items to be displayed on loan.