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Life of Servanthood Map

Welcome! I’m so glad you’ve come to this space to learn more about your spiritual formation and to continue the journey to be more like Jesus. This year we’ll be exploring the Life of Servanthood.

All through the gospels, we see Jesus as Servant—washing feet, touching the untouchable, and seeing those overlooked by others. This year, we will talk about Christ’s identity as a servant and our calling to serve like Jesus. We will explore what it means to have self-giving, self-denying love for one another, and we’ll examine the who, why and how of service.

I’m excited about our journey this year. Through classes and this map with videos, our faculty will help us explore what it means to truly live a life of servanthood, what is means to lay our lives down for others, and how to serve others by first being filled by the Holy Spirit.

Formation takes a lifetime, but in your season at Asbury Seminary, our desire is to journey with you in a process of deep, abiding transformation. I pray that each of us becomes more like Jesus as we journey together in the life of servanthood.

Let’s get started!


As you think about the life of servanthood, what is one area God is asking you to become more like Him?

How is He inviting you to be closer to Him so that you can serve from the deepness of His strength?