korean coverLiving Into Community is the third work of Dr. Christine Pohl, Professor of Church in Society at Asbury Theological Seminary, that has been translated into Korean. Her previous two works in Korean Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition and Friendship at the Margins have received a great response from Korean readers. Further, in the Korean context in which renewed insights on Christian communities are needed, Dr. Pohl’s Living Into Community is the very work that should be read by those who are serious about forming and reforming a Christian community as God intended it to be. The translators, Youngju Kwon, Ph.D. student in New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary, and Jieun Amie Park contacted one Korean publishing company to suggest its translation/publication and thankfully the company gave them the great opportunity to translate this book. The book was published on October 10, and it can be purchased online.

Youngju Kwon is a Ph.D. student in New Testament and is currently working with Dr. Craig Keener on Historical Jesus. Youngju has translated eight English books and about 30 articles into Korean for the past six years.

Jieun Amie Park, the spouse of Youngju Kwon, has been involved in translation ministry since 2008. Amie has translated ten books including Glen Stassen’s Living the Sermon on the Mount, and several more articles.