Certificate in Anglican Studies

Asbury Theological Seminary’s 15-credit hour certificate in Anglican Studies allows you to explore Scripture, Spirit and Sacraments in the Anglican Tradition.

The certificate options are non-degree programs, but they enable you to test a call to ministry by experiencing one year of seminary education. Certificates also fulfill continuing education requirements or form a solid foundation of academic credits for those who desire to continue their education and pursue a degree.

What to Expect from the Certificate

As you complete your certificate, you will

  • Learn to practice personal and social holiness as you couple theory with experiential learning, intercultural understanding and contextualization.
  • Gain a fresh, deep and contemporary understanding of Scripture rooted in the Wesleyan tradition.
  • Conceptualize and implement leadership strategies for diverse socio-cultural situations and settings.
  • Develop and apply leadership skills within your ministry context.

Admissions Requirements

  • Application Form
  • Accredited baccalaureate degree*
  • Official transcripts from all postsecondary schools where at least 12 hours of coursework was completed
  • Personal History Essay – 1050-1500 words (350-500 words per question)
    1. Share your testimony starting with how you met Jesus Christ. Talk about your growth since that time and what brings you to apply to seminary at this season in your life. Include your thoughts on how you would like to see your faith grow during your time in seminary.
    2. What draws you to your desired major/area of study? What is your intended outcome upon degree completion? Why is that career or ministry choice meaningful to you?
    3. Discuss a local, national, and/or international issue and why you are passionate about it.
    4. Optional: If your GPA is not a good indication of your academic ability, please explain.
  • Four references (references cannot be related to applicant)
    1. Four references, including a pastoral reference (required) and a professor or academic administrator reference (recommended). Laity or personal acquaintances are accepted.
  • $50 Nonrefundable Application Fee
  • For applicants whose primary language is not English, a TOEFL score of 550 (79 internet-based) or an IELTS score of 6.5
  • Background check (completed by the Admissions Office)
  • A personal interview may be required upon request by the Admissions Committee

*Applicants without accredited Bachelor’s degree – refer to page 28 of the Academic Catalog

Learn more about what other graduates of Asbury Seminary are doing.

The following degree plans have been approved for the 2024-25 academic year. Download the PDF below to see a full listing of all your degree requirements.