June 2015
The Alumni Link is a monthly e-publication provided to the alumni of Asbury Theological Seminary
Back to School
by: Dr. Ellsworth Kalas I want to report that I’m back in school and that it’s good for me. I hadn’t planned to sign up for this course but this is a school (as some of you know) where the students sometimes have little to say about the curriculum. This is hard on the human […]
Charge to the 2015 Graduates
by Dr. Timothy Tennent I came, I saw, I loved Julius Caesar famously wrote to the Roman Senate in 46 B.C. in the wake of his stunning victory in the east: veni, vidi, vici – I came, I saw, I conquered. That famous phrase veni, vidi, vici has become almost the summarizing motto of the […]
Golden Grads
by Mary Potter We were pleased to host 12 members of the Asbury Theological Seminary Class of 1965 and 6 spouses during a special reunion on May 22-23, 2015, on the Wilmore Campus, during graduation weekend. The Golden Graduates and their spouses were honored by meals with President Timothy C. Tennent and Vice-President Mr. Jay Mansur. The […]
Don’t Grab the Line: What I Learned from Ziplining about Intimacy and Authority
by Rev. Carolyn Moore (M.Div., 1998) When you start, you’re on a 2-foot by 2-foot platform in a tree. You can be as much as a hundred feet in the air. Your goal is a tree about 500 yards away, and a platform just as tiny, just as high up, as where you are […]
7 Ways to Make Your Worst Pastoral Move Ever
by Robert Kaylor, Transition Expert and Lead Pastor at Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church The season for pastoral moves is almost here, and while you’re packing boxes, painting walls, grousing about mortgage interest rates, and threatening to fire your realtor, you’re also getting ready to go to a new church where the people are obviously nicer, the […]
Why We Avoid the Quiet
Laura Baber Beach spends her days listening to the stories of people who are seeking God in the midst of lives of service. As the founder of Equipping Lydia and as an ordained deacon in The United Methodist Church, she guides guests to the deep well of God’s love. She is an experienced spiritual director and facilitates […]
by Debra Adams, Director of Communications Will you help us? We would like to tell our Alumni stories in an area currently being created on our web site called VOICES. Not the story of how Asbury has helped you, but the story of how God has worked through you in ministry to others. We would […]
Alumni Updates – June 2015
Justus Hunter (North Texas Annual Conference), a graduate of Asbury College, Asbury Theological Seminary (M.Div., 2009), and the University of Dayton was named a recipient of the 2015-2016 Dempster Graduate Fellowship. He is currently enrolled in his fourth year of a PhD program at Southern Methodist University.Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU) is […]
Alumni Events – June 2015
Tennent Tours Please join President Timothy C. Tennent as he shares the Asbury Seminary vision in your area. Tennent Tours are well under way, so mark your calendar now! At each of his stops, Dr. Tennent is honored to be speaking at various Saturday evening and Sunday morning services. June 26-28 University Carillon UMC Oviedo, […]
Alumni Obituaries – June 2015
The Rev. Harvey Larabee Carnes (B.D., 1948), 89, devoted Asbury University and Wilmore High School alumnus, United Church of Christ pastor, and professor of sociology, died at UNC Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill, NC, after many years of debilitating lung disease. Born in Wilmore, Kentucky in 1925, Rev. Carnes was the fifth of nine children of […]