September 2014
The Alumni Link is a monthly e-publication provided to the alumni of Asbury Theological Seminary
Grace and Regrets
by J. Ellsworth Kalas A few months ago I had an experience of grace and then of regret, all within a few seconds. I’m still sad that I wasn’t alert enough to seize the moment for all it was worth. It […]
Commentary: Bible not a book but a library
by Rev. Talbot Davis As one of my friends reminded me, I preached a lot last week. Three times on one Sunday, followed by four nighttime sermons at the Pleasant Grove Camp Meeting, followed by three times again the next Sunday. That is actually more times than anyone should ever be allowed to hear the sound of his or […]
Bob and Ellen Stamps Community House
by Marilyn Elliott (DMin, 2006; MA, 1998), Vice President of Community Formation In order to be, we need to belong. In order to belong, we need the safety of a shelter or a defined framework. Humans are not secure untethered and floating. Think about it: what we experience – falling in love, buying a car, attending a funeral – […]

ATS Healing Academy
Asbury Theological Seminary is deeply rooted in the Wesleyan, Evangelical Holiness tradition of the Christian faith. It has long been a place of healing and transformation for persons preparing for ministry. In order to accomplish our mission of preparing well trained, sanctified, Spirit-filled ministers, we aim to provide a context rich with resources for transformation and the healing […]
Support Asbury Seminary while Shopping at
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Asbury Seminary every time you shop, at no cost to you. Which products on AmazonSmile are eligible for charitable donations? Tens of millions of products on AmazonSmile are eligible for donations. You will see eligible products marked “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on their product […]

Beeson Update : Ministry Conference
by Heidi E. Heater, Editorial Assistant, Beeson International Center, Asbury Theological Seminary Asbury Theological Seminary hosts Ministry Conference March 17-19, 2015. Keynote speakers include Asbury Seminary President Dr. Timothy Tennent and Dr. Prabhu Singh, Professor and Head of the Department of Missions at South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS) in Bangalore, India. The 2015 Ministry […]
Introducing: The Seedbed Youth Ministry Collective
Often youth pastors find themselves in the dangerous leading role commonly known as the Lone Ranger Youth Pastor. They aren’t necessarily part of a big “staff team,” and they don’t always have a helpful “sister church” down the street. It’s them, and that’s it. And it’s exhausting. There are two competing realities here. It’s clear that the […]
Letters to the Alumni Office
Fellow alumni is seeking helping in locating her husband’s first car. It was sold to a seminary student in 1994. It is a 1976 Chevy Nova, 2 door and maroon in color. If you can help, please contact Joanne Fuller at or 567-208-7549.
Alumni Updates – September 2014
Robert W. Grant (MDiv, 2012) was ordained as an elder in full connection in the Mississippi Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Alumni Publications – September 2014
Geography of the Holy Land: Perspectives ed by William A. Dando, Caroline Z. Dando, and Jonathan J. Lu (1960, MDiv) Available from Asbury Theological Library or Holy Light Theological Seminary Press Geography of the Holy Land: New Insights ed by William A. Dando, Caroline Z. Dando, and Jonathan J. Lu (1960, MDiv) Available from Asbury Theological Library […]