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36 Seeds You Might Have Missed on Seedbed Last Month

Published Date: September 20, 2013
  1. We finished parts 2 and 3 of the video interview series with Dr. Michael Quicke of Northern Seminary. Good stuff on preaching Scripture, the Holy Spirit and the use of personal stories without being self referential.
  2. While you are at it, you can see all of the Seedbed posts on preaching so far here.
  3. 7 Keys to understanding violence in the Old Testament recaps the Lawson Stone Series.
  4. Given all the technological advances in information accessibility, Jonathan Blackburn zeroes in on an often forgotten aspect of one’s resource library: Personal Experience.
  5. Watch this short take by author and editor, Justin Barringer, on A Faith Not Worth Fighting For: Addressing Commonly Asked Questions about Christian Nonviolence. Get the book here.
  6. Chad Brooks brings back an oldie but goodie in Dr. Robert Coleman’s book, Nothing to do but Save Souls. If you haven’t read this one in a while—it’s time.  Get it.
  7. Timothy Christian points out that we aren’t going to heaven. Yes, he really said that.
  8. David Drury, prominent leader in the Wesleyan Church offers part 1 and part 2 on Making Meetings Matter.
  9. New Testament Jedi Master Ben Witherington teaches for 7 minutes on Revelation and Apocalypticism. Winner.
  10. Carolyn Moore writes 10 Reasons why she is a Wesleyan, which is becoming one of our most popular posts ever on
  11. And did we mention that she has a new 8 week Bible Study with DVD and workbook out called Encounter Jesus.
  12. Professor of Youth Ministry, Jim Hampton, shares his summer reading list.
  13. Another big post for August came from Craig Keener on Paul and Women in Ministry: For or Against?
  14. Seedbed’s Sower in Chief posted 5 Things I like about John Eldridge’s New Book on Holiness. Surprising.
  15.  Read about Terry Teykl’s latest project, Box 3:16, about getting prayer request boxes out of the church and into the community.
  16. We did a 3 part series with Seedbed Author, Dave Harrity on Faith and Creativity. His tremendous book is here.
  17. Check out Seedbed Author, Bob Kaylor, the newest member of the Seedbed Blogger’s Society. See the growing cadre of bloggers here.
  18. For daily updates on Seedbed, follow us on twitter. @officialseedbed
  19. Why do we spend so much money sending short-term mission teams overseas? Couldn’t the receiving churches do more, if we just sent them a check? Steve Gober, past leader of the Methodist seminary in Costa Rica shares his perspective.
  20. Question #8: Why did God call Abraham and Enter into a Covenant with Israel? Dr. Timothy Tennent answers here as part of the 30 questions series. His book by the same title is proving an excellent discipleship resource across the church.
  21. We met Gary Hoag recently, aka The Generosity Monk, a recent biblical studies PhD who has devoted his research to biblical stewardship and the study of Christian generosity. Check out this compelling Seven Minute Seminary from him here
  22. 9 Excellent Online Resources on Women in Ministry here. Good one to bookmark for later.
  23. Here’s one you will want to pass on to parents of school aged children by Kathy Milans. Relieving School Performance  Anxiety: Parenting the Whole Child.
  24. While you are at it, browse the new Seedbed site “Care and Healing,” designed for those who give pastoral care and counsel to God’s people.
  25. Seedbed Sponsored Blogger, Dr. Howard Snyder, consistently churns out good material on his site. Did you see his post entitled, “Will Facebook Ruin you?
  26. Check out a sample of the new Carolyn Moore (Asbury Alumna) resource, Encounter Jesus, an 8 week DVD/ workbook bible study. Great for groups. Get it here.
  27. What exactly is healing ministry? Larry Eddings covers it in 4:21 with this media presentation.
  28. Check out this Duke Graduate’s take on his seminary experience.
  29. Do you have a healing ministry in your church? Ready to start one? Send these links along to your leaders. Here’s a great little book introducing Healing Ministry by Dr. Don Demaray.
  30. Drs. Ken Collins and Jason Vickers have written a magisterial work on the Sermons of John Wesley. Watch the interview with Collins here to learn more.
  31. “A text without a context is just a pretext for whatever you want it to mean.” Watch Ben Witherington’s 7 Minute Seminary on the importance of understanding the background of Scripture.
  32. 9 PSALMS EVERY CHRISTIAN SHOULD KNOW, PRAY AND INHABIT by Dr. Michael Matlock, Professor of Old Testament.
  33. If you’ve got six more minutes, here’s part two on the role of Jesus in healing ministry.
  34. Ten Reasons why I am a Wesleyan by our Managing Editor, Andrew Dragos. This one is going viral.
  35. New Testament Professor, Dr. Jim Miller, continues his Seven Minute Series on Romans; this time on Sin and Worship.
  36. Great wisdom here from Dr. Jay Moon, Professor of Church Planting, exploring how the Gospel can work through Native American cultures.

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