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36 Seeds You Might Have Missed on Seedbed Last Month
Published Date: September 20, 2013
- We finished parts 2 and 3 of the video interview series with Dr. Michael Quicke of Northern Seminary. Good stuff on preaching Scripture, the Holy Spirit and the use of personal stories without being self referential.
- While you are at it, you can see all of the Seedbed posts on preaching so far here.
- 7 Keys to understanding violence in the Old Testament recaps the Lawson Stone Series.
- Given all the technological advances in information accessibility, Jonathan Blackburn zeroes in on an often forgotten aspect of one’s resource library: Personal Experience.
- Watch this short take by author and editor, Justin Barringer, on A Faith Not Worth Fighting For: Addressing Commonly Asked Questions about Christian Nonviolence. Get the book here.
- Chad Brooks brings back an oldie but goodie in Dr. Robert Coleman’s book, Nothing to do but Save Souls. If you haven’t read this one in a while—it’s time. Get it.
- Timothy Christian points out that we aren’t going to heaven. Yes, he really said that.
- David Drury, prominent leader in the Wesleyan Church offers part 1 and part 2 on Making Meetings Matter.
- New Testament Jedi Master Ben Witherington teaches for 7 minutes on Revelation and Apocalypticism. Winner.
- Carolyn Moore writes 10 Reasons why she is a Wesleyan, which is becoming one of our most popular posts ever on
- And did we mention that she has a new 8 week Bible Study with DVD and workbook out called Encounter Jesus.
- Professor of Youth Ministry, Jim Hampton, shares his summer reading list.
- Another big post for August came from Craig Keener on Paul and Women in Ministry: For or Against?
- Seedbed’s Sower in Chief posted 5 Things I like about John Eldridge’s New Book on Holiness. Surprising.
- Read about Terry Teykl’s latest project, Box 3:16, about getting prayer request boxes out of the church and into the community.
- We did a 3 part series with Seedbed Author, Dave Harrity on Faith and Creativity. His tremendous book is here.
- Check out Seedbed Author, Bob Kaylor, the newest member of the Seedbed Blogger’s Society. See the growing cadre of bloggers here.
- For daily updates on Seedbed, follow us on twitter. @officialseedbed
- Why do we spend so much money sending short-term mission teams overseas? Couldn’t the receiving churches do more, if we just sent them a check? Steve Gober, past leader of the Methodist seminary in Costa Rica shares his perspective.
- Question #8: Why did God call Abraham and Enter into a Covenant with Israel? Dr. Timothy Tennent answers here as part of the 30 questions series. His book by the same title is proving an excellent discipleship resource across the church.
- We met Gary Hoag recently, aka The Generosity Monk, a recent biblical studies PhD who has devoted his research to biblical stewardship and the study of Christian generosity. Check out this compelling Seven Minute Seminary from him here
- 9 Excellent Online Resources on Women in Ministry here. Good one to bookmark for later.
- Here’s one you will want to pass on to parents of school aged children by Kathy Milans. Relieving School Performance Anxiety: Parenting the Whole Child.
- While you are at it, browse the new Seedbed site “Care and Healing,” designed for those who give pastoral care and counsel to God’s people.
- Seedbed Sponsored Blogger, Dr. Howard Snyder, consistently churns out good material on his site. Did you see his post entitled, “Will Facebook Ruin you?”
- Check out a sample of the new Carolyn Moore (Asbury Alumna) resource, Encounter Jesus, an 8 week DVD/ workbook bible study. Great for groups. Get it here.
- What exactly is healing ministry? Larry Eddings covers it in 4:21 with this media presentation.
- Check out this Duke Graduate’s take on his seminary experience.
- Do you have a healing ministry in your church? Ready to start one? Send these links along to your leaders. Here’s a great little book introducing Healing Ministry by Dr. Don Demaray.
- Drs. Ken Collins and Jason Vickers have written a magisterial work on the Sermons of John Wesley. Watch the interview with Collins here to learn more.
- “A text without a context is just a pretext for whatever you want it to mean.” Watch Ben Witherington’s 7 Minute Seminary on the importance of understanding the background of Scripture.
- 9 PSALMS EVERY CHRISTIAN SHOULD KNOW, PRAY AND INHABIT by Dr. Michael Matlock, Professor of Old Testament.
- If you’ve got six more minutes, here’s part two on the role of Jesus in healing ministry.
- Ten Reasons why I am a Wesleyan by our Managing Editor, Andrew Dragos. This one is going viral.
- New Testament Professor, Dr. Jim Miller, continues his Seven Minute Series on Romans; this time on Sin and Worship.
- Great wisdom here from Dr. Jay Moon, Professor of Church Planting, exploring how the Gospel can work through Native American cultures.