A distinctly Wesleyan experience to prepare you for your calling

Recommended for Ordination:
Master of Divinity
The 96-credit hour Master of Divinity equips you to be a transformative leader for a fruitful ministry. Learn to preach, teach, disciple, and interpret Scripture within your contemporary ministry setting. The M.Div. includes internships, anthropological studies for your ministry context, and practices for holiness in the Wesleyan tradition. Choose from our many specializations to tailor the program to your unique calling, focus, or setting.
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MACM (Master of Arts in Christian Ministries)
Asbury Seminary’s 60-hour Master of Arts in Christian Ministries, tailored to your specific role in the church, builds biblical, historical, theological and contextual foundations for competencies that nurture people in faith communities. Learn to effectively contribute through methods, practices, and models of response related to human and church needs.
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Additional Options:
MABS (Master of Arts in Biblical Studies)
Asbury Seminary’s 60-hour Master of Arts in Biblical Studies integrates the biblical canon with literary, historical, and hermeneutical tools for a holistic study of passages, methodology, genres and themes. Explore a biblical view of the inspiration and authority of the Scriptures, and present biblical and theological insights within contemporary contexts. The MABS prepares you to teach in ministry settings or Christian institutions or lays a foundation for further postgraduate studies.
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MATS [Master of Arts Theological Studies]
Asbury Theological Seminary’s 60-hour Master of Arts [Theological Studies] applies Christian theology to contemporary issues, life and ministry through your study of church history, doctrine, ethics, philosophy and systematic theology. This theology degree prepares you in the practical Christian disciplines needed for teaching in congregations, para-church organizations, Christian institutions or for pursuing a postgraduate degree.
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Rev. Dr. Carolyn Moore
Church Planter and Senior Pastor of Mosaic Church, Evans, GA.
Master of Divinity, Asbury Theological Seminary, 1998.
Doctor of Ministry, Asbury Theological Seminary, 2018.

Rev. Keith Boyette
Transitional Connectional Officer, Chief Executive and Administrative Officer of the Global Methodist Church
M.Div., Asbury Seminary, 1994.
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Bishop Mark Webb
Bishop of the Global Methodist Church
M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary, 1989
Read StoryGrant Opportunities for Church Planting
Asbury Seminary will provide $5,000, $10,000, and $20,000 matching grants to select Asbury Seminary alumni planting new Global Methodist Church congregations. The Center for Church Multiplication at Asbury Seminary is excited to partner with innovative church planters through grants as well as abundant resources for connection, training, and mobilization.