Latest Update
August 24, 2021
Dear Asbury Seminary Community,
Greetings! The start of the fall semester is just two weeks away, so we wanted to provide an update on the Seminary’s general operating principles and guidelines related to our life together as a community with the coronavirus still active.
The Seminary will continue to monitor the situation and update our community as needed over the next few weeks. In the meantime, we remind you again of our expectations for community interactions:
- We strongly encourage vaccination (as medically appropriate) for all persons who have not been fully vaccinated or are not COVID-recovered (i.e., persons without immunity).
- We strongly encourage all persons who prefer to wear a mask and/or would like others who come into their individual work space, residence, study area, etc. to wear a mask, to do so and request so; and, we expect members of the community to respect and honor such requests. If persons on the Wilmore campus need one, we still have free masks available in Human Resources (employees) and at the Larabee Morris Hall front desk (students).
- We strongly encourage excellent hand hygiene, and to do so often throughout the day. Carefully washing your hands remains one of the most effective ways to limit the spread of any virus.
- We still require reporting exposure and/or positive cases to Student Services (students) or Human Resources (employees), and reports should be made directly to the respective office via phone call or email as soon as reasonably possible after the exposure or confirmed positive test. Persons who experience either are expected to follow the corresponding self quarantine guidelines.
Thank you for your continued commitment to working together as a community in the midst of the current circumstances.
Asbury Seminary’s CRT