Doctor of Ministry

Admissions Requirements

  1. Application Form

  2. $50 Nonrefundable Application Fee

  3. A personal interview may be required upon request by the Admissions Committee

  4. Meet one of the following three sets of criteria:

    • Completed an M.Div. Degree of at least 72 credit hours from an accredited institution AND have at least three years of substantial ministry experience, OR
    • Completed a Master’s degree and earned at least 72 credit hours with 30 hours of Bible, theology, church history, doctrine, ministry practice from an accredited institution AND have at least three years of substantial ministry experience (see below for specifics), OR
    • Completed a Master’s degree that is theological in nature, with 30 hours of Bible, theology, church history, doctrine, ministry practice from an accredited institution AND have at least 3 years of substantial ministry experience AND submit an exegetical assignment to be evaluated by a faculty member at a “Developing” level or above (see below for specifics). Watch this video for exegetical assignment highlights.
  5. Personal history essay, including resume (350-500 words per question)

    • Share your testimony starting with how you met Jesus Christ. Talk about your growth since that time and what brings you to apply to seminary at this season in your life. Include your thoughts on how you would like to see your faith grow during your time in seminary.
    • What draws you to your desired major/area of study? What is your intended outcome upon degree completion? Why is that career or ministry choice meaningful to you?
    • Discuss a local, national, and/or international issue and why you are passionate about it.
    • Optional: If your GPA is not a good indication of your academic ability, please explain.
  6. Official transcripts from all postsecondary schools where at least 12 hours of coursework was completed

  7. References from:

    • A leading lay person in your present ministry
    • Your immediate supervisor
    • Two colleagues
  8. A writing sample/research paper written during your Master of Divinity degree (or educational equivalent). Paper guidelines.

    • If you are required to submit an exegetical assignment (see degree criteria above), you do not have to submit this research writing sample.
  9. TOEFL waivers are only available to students who have received a degree delivered totally in English or from a country where English is the first language. Ideally, your TOEFL should be less than 5 years old. The TOEFL waiver form may be downloaded here. The request will be considered, but not guaranteed.

  10. Note: Web Access: Registration, course schedules, syllabi and much of the program’s communication is online:

  11. The Admissions Committee will utilize a combination of the following criteria in evaluating whether a student demonstrates readiness for D.Min. studies:

    • The ability to thoughtfully interpret scripture and the theological tradition of one’s ministry context,
    • The capacity to understand and adapt one’s ministry to the cultural context,
    • A basic self-understanding of one’s ministerial identity and vocational calling,
    • A readiness to engage in ongoing personal and spiritual formation for one’s ministry,
    • An accredited master’s degree (or its educational equivalent) in an area related to one’s ministry setting or vocational calling, and
    • Significant ministerial experience that enables the applicant to engage as a ministry peer with other students in this advanced professional doctorate.
  12. D.Min. Students without MDiv Degree

    Asbury Theological Seminary recognizes that the absence of an accredited MDiv-level degree or its educational equivalent does not preclude an individual from being prepared for D.Min. theological education. Applicants without an accredited MDiv degree may be admitted to a D.Min. degree program, but only after the student’s application has been reviewed and approved by the Admissions Committee. The Equivalency Pathway:

    Considered Equivalent to an MDiv (2 Pathways)

    • M.A. completed with a total of 72 masters hours;

      • 1 earned Master’s degree
      • Total of 72 hours of Master’s work
      • 30 hours of the Master’s work has to be ministry-related (theology, Bible, church history, Christian ethics, and/or the practice of ministry courses) OR
    • One earned Master’s degree with at least 30 hours of MA work in theology, Bible, church history, Christian ethics, and/or the practice of ministry courses

      • AND write the exegetical paper that earns a passing grade
      • 3 years of ministry experience

    The D.Min. Admissions Committee will document, for the applicant’s file, which of the above means were utilized in assessing the individual’s readiness for D.Min.-level theological studies. Based on the Admissions Committee’s assessment of the individual, the applicant may be offered one of the following admissions statuses:

    • Admit the student into the D.Min. program.
    • Deny admission: The student did not adequately demonstrate readiness for D.Min.-level studies through the above means.
    • Admission into a Master level Program: The student must complete a minimum of 30 hours of MA work in theology, Bible, church history, Christian ethics and/or the practice of ministry courses and a cumulative GPA of 2.00/4.00 or higher prior to being considered for admission into a D.Min. level degree.

Admission Procedure

  1. After the completed application has been received, members of the D.Min. Admissions team will carefully and prayerfully evaluate the file.

  2. Applications must be submitted online. All application requirements must be completed by the dates listed.

  3. Successful applicants will receive notice of their admittance to the D.Min. program with complete instructions for how to proceed.

  4. Contact