February 2023

The Alumni Link is a monthly e-publication provided to the alumni of Asbury Theological Seminary

Dr. Timothy Tennent: Environmentalism vs. Creation Care

There are few more bedrock doctrines in the Bible than our belief in the goodness of creation and therefore the importance of the entire created order in God’s plan of redemption.

ATS Alum Rev. Dr. Tory Baucum (’06) Honored by Polish Government

Due to his reconciliation work – particularly during the Ukrainian refugee crisis – Rev. Dr. Baucum of the Benedictine College’s Center for Family Life has been recognized by the Polish government.

What’s New at Asbury Church Planting?

Check out the latest updates from CCM!

Alumni Resources

Here’s what is available from the Library’s resources to our Alumni!

Alumni Testimony: Rev. Dr. Tom Harrison

This is my testimony to the power of reconnecting to ATS after graduation.

Editorial: Happy Single Awareness Day!

Valentine’s Day originally honored someone who fearlessly loved God and neighbor unto death. You sure don’t see many valentines about martyrdom.

Updates, Events, and Publications

Click here to learn about recent updates, events, and all kinds of publications from faculty and alumni around the world!

Job and Ministry Opportunities – February 2023

Looking for a job or ministry opportunity? Check out what’s new this month!


We pause to honor our brothers and sisters who have gone home to glory.