January 2015
The Alumni Link is a monthly e-publication provided to the alumni of Asbury Theological Seminary
Memory Losses and Gains
By: J. Ellsworth Kalas Let me say a good word for memory loss. With the increasing attention to dementia and Alzheimer’s you may wonder how anything good can be said for memory loss. Well, sometimes it’s a matter of what’s lost. I experienced this in a special way during my recent annual pilgrimage to my […]
All New HUB 2.0
We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new HUB 2.0! After months of hard work and dedication, we are delighted to officially announce its launch on January 5, 2015. The new site launch is available and the URL is http://myats.asburyseminary.edu/hub. Our goal with this new design of the HUB is to provide our […]
Phonathon 2015
Hello from your Phonathon 2015 Leadership Team! Why are we looking forward to Phonathon 2015 (January 22 – 31, 2015)? First, as students we love to connect with you, our alumni. Talking to you gives us inspiration to finish our studies and get out into ministry. Second, we love to pray with you and for […]
Part 2 Of A Late In Life Reading Lesson
by Talbot DavisIn my last article, I confessed that I am just now learning how to read the New Testament epistles accurately, and- as an example- took you through the first fourteen verses of Ephesians. Once readers make the proper distinction between the “we” and the “you,” they are much more able to get to the heart of […]
The No Trespassing Sign
by Rev. Randy KanipeTo Those whom I consider among my closest of friends, I just had to share this – with you. Yes – it is a bit long and I apologize, but God is still at work in this old world, in spite of all the powers and struggles that try to frustrate […]
Good News Bhawan – World Christian Revitalization Movement
By: Dr. James Miller – Professor of Inductive Biblical Study and New Testament and Director of Center for the Study of World Christian Revitalization Movements The Center for the Study of World Christian Revitalization Movements at Asbury Theological Seminary is currently in the midst of a four year global research program funded by the Henry Luce Foundation. […]
A Book of “Tuttle-isms”
What words come to mind when you think of Dr. Robert (Bob ) G. Tuttle? If you have ever taken a class taught by Dr. Tuttle, or attended a seminar or a retreat led by Dr. Tuttle, you have been blessed to hear one or more of his now famous “Tuttle-isms” in the process. “Tuttle-isms” […]
The Warmest Christmas
by Charles Killian, Asbury Theological Seminary Professor 1970-2004 We all grew up in a small town, Tyner, Indiana. In the winter time, snow was deep and the temperature could get well below zero. Early on, our only source of heat was the coal furnace which was located in the basement and the heat made its way up through […]
Wesleyan Studies Summer Seminar
Asbury Theological Seminary and Asbury University announce their 4th Wesleyan Studies Summer Seminar to be held June 2015. This seminar has been established to develop and support research, writing, and publication in the broad field of Wesleyan studies. The seminar promotes the work of serious researchers by: Making scholarly resources of Asbury Seminary and Asbury […]
Church Planting Outside the Box
By Dr. Winfield Bevins, Director, Church Planting Initiative and speaker at Ministry Conference, March 16-19, 2015 There is a church planting movement happening right now all around the world. It is causing a rapid multiplication of new disciples of Christ across denominational lines and cultural divides. God is raising up a new generation of […]