Alumni Link
Phonathon 2015
Published Date: January 5, 2015
Hello from your Phonathon 2015 Leadership Team!
Why are we looking forward to Phonathon 2015 (January 22 – 31, 2015)?
First, as students we love to connect with you, our alumni. Talking to you gives us inspiration to finish our studies and get out into ministry.
Second, we love to pray with you and for you! We know the demands of ministry and we want to support you in prayer.
Lastly, we wanted to share an exciting new alumni initiative, “$15 for 15% by 2015!” Did you know that foundations look at our alumni participation rate when awarding grants? They do! So we are trying to get 15% (1,500) of our alumni to give $15 before the end of 2015! Will you join us by visiting today?