Mentored Ministry
Mentored Ministry is Asbury Theological Seminary’s field education requirement. For three semesters you will be involved in a ministry/local setting (differing depending on your degree), meeting with a mentor one-on-one, and spending time in a classroom theologically reflecting with your peers and Reflection Group Facilitator (professor) on your experience in your ministry/local setting.
During your three semesters of Mentored Ministry you will:
- Set personal growth goals.
- Connect to a mentor who will hold you accountable to those goals.
- Meet each week with a campus Reflection Group and faculty facilitator.
- Do hands-on work in a ministry setting, integrating studies into ministry and life.
During MM520 and MM620 you will:
- Work within the walls of a local church.
- Be exposed to the many areas of ministry in the church
- Set five growth goals: 1) Relational, 2) Intellectual, 3) Spiritual 4) Vocational, and 5) Physical.
During MM720 you will:
- Move outside the walls of the local congregation into the parish-world.
- Extend the local ministry into a cross-cultural setting.
- Continue meeting with your mentor and campus Reflection Group.
This is like no other seminary class. Since this is a hands-on ministry lab you will work well beyond the 1-credit hours you would expect in a normal 1-credit class.