Alumni Link

Alumni Events- September 2015

Published Date: August 27, 2015





CEU’s Fall 2015

– “The Meaning and Message of the Revelation”  CEU –

Dr. Ben Witherington III presents “The Revelation” seminar on Sept. 21, 2015. Register now!

Please join us for “The Meaning and Message of Revelation” seminar featuring Dr. Ben Witherington III who will bring his insight and experience to bear on the perplexing Book of the Revelation. He will lecture on Monday, Sept. 21. The seminar will be held at Christ United Methodist Church in Jackson, MS. In addition, he will speak and preach for a revival at Christ UMC Sept. 19-20. The maximum number of workshop participants is limited to 100. Register before Sept. 1st for the discount rate! 


$50.00 per person (before September 1, 2015)

$75.00 per person (ON and AFTER September 1, 2015)

$7.00 Lunch on Sunday (lunch for Monday is included in the seminar fee)


Saturday, September 19, 6:00 p.m. Revival Service at Christ United

Sunday, September 20, 8:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.

Monday, September 21, 8:15 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.

To register for the seminar please go to:  or download and mail the attached pdf form with payment.

We hope you are able to attend and enjoy this time with Dr. Ben!


– “Reading and Understanding the Bible” CEU –

Ben Witherington is coming to town to speak about his book, Reading and Understanding the Bible on October 16-17, 2015.

Event Description

With his usual flair and reader-friendly style, Ben Witherington III brings us a fresh and distinctive guide to interpreting the Bible. Ideal for courses in Biblical Interpretation, Hermeneutics, and Introduction to the Bible, Reading and Understanding the Bible is unique in that it carefully examines the various genres of literature in the Bible, while also explaining how to interpret each within its proper context. Taking a faith-friendly approach to historically based interpretation, it shows students how to read the Bible with a keen awareness of the many and profound differences between the modern world and ancient biblical cultures. It explains how ancient societies worked, how documents were created, who preserved them and why, the patriarchal nature of all ancient cultures, and, most importantly, how these cultural characteristics should affect our reading of the Bible.


Friday, October 16th at 9am-3pm (lunch provided)
Saturday, October 17th 9am-12pm


FUMC Baton Rouge
930 North Blvd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70802


$100 for CEU Credit Participants
$25 Non-Credit Participants

To register or if you have questions, email Payments should be made out to First United Methodist Church-Spiritual Formation and sent to the church address listed above.

Free CEU’s Fall 2015


David F. White, Ph.D., Youth Ministry Expert and Professor at Austin Theological Seminary

Author of Dreamcare: A Theology of Youth, Spirit, and Vocation; Awakening Youth Discipleship in a Consumer Society; Practicing Discernment with Youth: A Transformative Youth Ministry Approach (Youth Ministry Alternatives); co-author of Awakening Youth Discipleship: Christian Resistance in a Consumer Culture 

His topic for Thursday evening and Friday: Dreamcare: Youth and Vocational Discernment.

Dr. White will help parents, youth ministers, and congregations cultivate purpose and vocation in youth and young adults. He will provide concrete suggestions for how Christian communities might engage young people in practices to cultivate a sense of purpose, including narrative resources by which to make theological sense of their impulses of desire, joy, compassion, and responsibility.


Thursday, October 8, 4-9 with a one-hour dinner break

Friday, October 9, 8 am-3:30 pm with a one-hour lunch break

Register at



Anita Vincent, Children’s Ministry Expert

Her topic for Friday evening and Saturday: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd 

Anita Vincent has been working with Catechesis of the Good Shepherd ( for eleven years, and for the last seven years she has been the director of that program at Grace Montessori School in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Anita is also a certified Montessori teacher and has experience at both the primary and the lower elementary levels. Anita graduated with a Master’s in Pastoral Studies with Catechesis of the Good Shepherd as the focus from Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis, in 2012. She is now a doctoral student in Church Ministry at La Salle University in Philadelphia. 


Friday, October 9, 5:30-9:00

Saturday, October 10, 8 am-5:30 pm with a one-hour lunch break

Register at

For further information on either seminar, contact 859-858-2061, or e-mail Debbie Mostad at

Alumni Trip to Ireland (and Scotland)!

Come with us to Ireland June 21-30, 2016!  Asbury Seminary’s Alumni and Church Relations Director, Tammy Cessna, and Professor Reg Johnson will be hosting an adventurous Pilgrimage to Ireland.  They plan to explore the historical and religious sites of Ireland and walk through scenes of St. Partick, St. Ciaran, St. Joseph, and St. John the Evangelist.  You have the opportunity to explore Ireland’s cities, moors, castles, cliffs, and abbeys in a guided tour! Make sure to look into the 4 day Scotland and Lindisfarne extension to explore more historical, royal, and Christian locations!

For additional information please see

To join us, reserve your spot at . 

Ministry Conference: March 7-10 2016

Marked by Grace: Your Life in Christ’s Mission

Dates: March 7-10, 2016
Keynote Speakers: Alex McManus & Steve Seamands

Tennent Tours

Please join President Timothy C. Tennent as he shares the Asbury Seminary vision in your area. Tennent Tours are well under way, so mark your calendar now! At each of his stops, Dr. Tennent is honored to be speaking at various Saturday evening and Sunday morning services.

October 16-18
Asbury UMC
Tulsa, OK

March 18-20
Columbus, GA

For event schedule, reservations, and information, please contact Major Events by phone, 877.PRAY.ATS (772-9287) or email,

Doctor of Ministry eLuncheons

Since not all students can come to campus for a preview, we’re coming to you. Join the Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program each Monday at noon (12:00 p.m.) Eastern Time to learn more.

The eLuncheon will last an hour or less. During the session, you will:
• Learn about the unique aspects of Asbury’s D.Min. program
• Chat about your dissertation project
• Learn about the Admissions process
• Discover ways to afford an Asbury D.Min.
• Ask your questions
• Get a $50 application fee waiver for attending!

See all articles

One response to “Alumni Events- September 2015”

  1. Leyton Alan Mears says:


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