Complimentary Luncheon at New Room for Women in Ministry
A letter from the Dean of Chapel:
The New Room Conference in Franklin, Tenn., has been a source of incredible renewal and refreshment for Christian leaders over the last few years. I haven’t missed one yet, and now I can’t wait for it each time September rolls around. At each New Room I’ve connected with old friends, made new ones, worshiped in powerful settings, and heard messages that have transformed my heart and my ministry. Last year by God’s providence I even ended up joining a Wesleyan Band of like-minded Christ-followers who have been giving support and encouragement to each other during this last year.
This year we wanted to create a space for women in ministry and leadership to come together for a special time to be refreshed and renewed and to create connections that will continue in between New Room experiences. We also wanted to ask questions and listen to the unique challenges that women face in Christian leadership and wonder out loud together what kinds of resources could be provided through people, print, and media to meet those needs.
Our time together will be over lunch on Friday, September 22 at noon, at the New Room venue just after the conference ends. We’ll begin at 12:00 with lunch and discussion and end by 2:30.
If you can join us please RSVP via this Google form or by emailing
If you can’t make it this fall, I want to remind you about the live streaming options to join in the worship and teaching of New Room. Although this lunch won’t be on the live stream, I’ll be back stage with some of the speakers in between sessions to live stream interviews for even more insight.
I’m praying for you today as Asbury reaches its arms around the world through you. May The Whole Bible for the Whole World be more than a motto – may it be a reality through us!
Rev. Jessica LaGrone
Dean of Chapel
Asbury Theological Seminary
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