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Dr. David L. McKenna, Former President of Asbury Seminary, Publishes New Book

Published Date: November 1, 2019

Rev. Dr. David L. McKenna, MDiv 1953 and Honorary D.D. ’09, Publishes New Book

Rev. Dr. McKenna has a new book just published entitled: Unfinished Gospel: Failure is not Final. Here is a brief summary:

‘”My work is not finished; My failure is not final; God’s grace will have the last word.’ – The Christian Leader who inspired this book. If you read the literature and believe the ads, the path of Christian leadership promises flourishing cultures, maturing members, and changing worlds. Just beneath the surface of popularity, however, is the evidence that so many of today’s Christ-centered leaders feel like failures – bummed out, burned out, broken, and ready to drop out. David McKenna addresses this conflict from the perspective of 70 years as a leader in Church and Christian higher education. He minces no words. Christ-centered leadership is far more than adopting secular theories of leadership development with an overlay of scripture and spiritual discipline. McKenna defines Christ-centered leadership as an arduous and never-ending journey of transforming grace. The story of Peter is our model for this journey. In him, we see ourselves; weak as well as strong, stubborn as well as open, fearful as well as bold, and cowardly as well as loyal. For all of us who suffer the feelings of failure, Peter is our story of hope.”

Unfinished Gospel: Failure is not Final is available on Amazon.

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3 responses to “Dr. David L. McKenna, Former President of Asbury Seminary, Publishes New Book”

  1. Samson Lazarus says:

    I was privileged to be his student at Asbury in 1981-1983

  2. Samson Lazarus says:

    I was a student when Dr. MCkenna was the President of Asbury. I enjoyed his leadership during my student time 1981-1983.
    Rev. Lazarus

  3. Tracye Taylor says:

    From Marcia Napier’s daughter, such respect for Dr. McKenna!!!

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