Alumni Link

Meet the Alumni Team

Published Date: April 28, 2016

In Office Staff

Tammy Cessna, Director of Alumni & Church Relations, tammycessna-234x300is a graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary and spends her days at Asbury loving on the alumni community. She has three grown kids and a fuzzy dog, not to mention a great sense of fashion. The best thing about Tammy is her generosity and gentle spirit. If she can create joy, she does it without hesitation. And if you need a back rub, Tammy is the one to go to. This year Tammy’s work takes her to Ireland on an Celtic Pilgrimage. 

Megan StuhmerMegan Stuhmer, Coordinator of Church and Alumni Relations,
 is a student at Asbury Seminary studying Intercultural Studies. Megan is a 2012 graduate of Ohio Northern University with a degree in Literature. Originally, a farm girl from Ohio, she loves the outdoors. She loves her husband Josiah, and her two sweet kitties: Oscar Mayer Wiener and Evelyn Bean. She enjoys crafting in many different mediums, reading, and baking (the kitchen is her second home!). 


Alexis Kierstead, Senior Alumni Office Student Support, is a Mental Health Counseling Student at Asbury Theological Seminary with a year (or less- God willing!) to go. Alexis was raised in Wilmore, Kentucky but feels most at home when visiting Louisiana, the state in which she hopes to settle following graduation. After two whirlwind years of serving on the Alumni Team, Alexis will be leaving us later this month to work toward the counseling internship hours necessary for her degree. We wish her the very best of luck and thank her for all of her hard work!

Randall Cupp, Alumni
Randall PhotoOffice Student Support,
is new to the Alumni Office. Randall was born and raised in Rochester, New York.  In 2006 he moved to Newport News, Virginia to pursue a career as an Automotive Technician, and later 
transitioned to a career in Naval Shipbuilding through the Newport News Shipbuilding Apprentice School.  After receiving a call to ministry during a mission trip to Cuba, Randall left his career and began his education at Asbury Theological Seminary in the 2016 Spring Semester.  His hobbies include traveling and participating in mission trips.


On the Road Staff

Dexter Porter continues to be very effective in his capacity as an Asbury Ambassador. His areas where he concentrates his visitations include Kentucky and West Virginia. Rev. Dale Shunk has just signed on as our second Asbury Ambassador.  The Ambassador’s main focus is to minister to alumni. These alumni relationships help produce prospective students, potential guests to Asbury Theological Seminary events, and create general goodwill between the seminary and our alumni. 

DPDexter Porter, Alumni Ambassador, is a 1976 graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary with a Masters of Divinity. He worked full-time for the seminary for thirty-seven years in the finance department. Dexter is also serving the Jessamine County Chamber of Commerce as the ATS representative, as well as Treasurer for the Martha R. Jones Foundation for Health Education, Inc. and the Foundation for United Methodists, Inc. These  two non-profit organizations directly support the ministry of Asbury Theological Seminary. Dexter enjoys worshiping at the Wilmore Free Methodist Church, and serving there as chair of the Finance Team. Dexter enjoys gardening, working on vehicles, and traveling with family and friends. He and his wife, Dickie Lee, have three adult married children and four wonderful grandchildren. DS

Dale Shunk, Alumni Ambassador, is our newest member of the Alumni Ambassador team and a 1977 Masters of Divinity graduate from Asbury Theological Seminary. Dale has joined the team after a faithful 40 years in ministry to the United Methodist Western Pennsylvania Conference. He has served as the Conference Connection person for the Alumni Office for about 15 years. Dale enjoys astronomy, photography, computers, camping, writing and teaching on Faith and Science issues. Dale and his wife, Anabelle, have two adult children and two wonderful grandchildren. 

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