Alumni Link
Seedbed: 17 Seeds You Might Have Missed on Seedbed Last Month
Published Date: July 25, 2013
- Order Seedbed’s first media based Bible Study, Encounter Jesus, an 8 week study by Asbury Alumna Rev. Carolyn Moore. (DVD + Guidebook). Check out the official “Sowing Ceremony” (aka Launch) here.
- Check out Dr. Larry Wood’s Seven Minute Seminary on The Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
- And while you are at it, read Dr. Wood’s post on Wesleyan Catechesis.
- Seedbed Released the first installment of our “First-Fruits Collection,” consisting of 26 vintage titles from the Wesleyan vault. Did we mention that all 26 are FREE. And speaking of Baptism by the Holy Spirit….
- Dr. Lawson Stone continues his Seven Minute Seminary series on Violence in the Old Testament—on location.
- You will also be interested in a post-gone-viral by Dr. Stone on his Seedbed sponsored blog. “What I wish Paula Dean had said.”
- We began a 30 week series posting an entry a week from Dr. Timothy Tennent’s book, “30 Questions: A Short Catechism on the Christian Faith.” Why buy the book, right? But we would be glad if you did. It’s making for a good group study across the church.
- Delve into the reading list of New Testament scholar, Dr. Jim Miller.
- Jedi Master Dr. David Bauer authored a post on Inductive Bible Study for Jedi Padawans everywhere.
- Seedbed held its first online “Sowing Ceremony” launching the new book by Dr. Brian Edgar, God is Friendship: A Theology of Spirituality, Community and Society. Check out the Google hangout linking Melbourne, Australia, Franklin, Tennessee, and Wilmore, Kentucky.
- Hone your preaching craft through diving in to the first of a series of video posts from Dr. Michael Quicke, Professor of Preaching from Northern Seminary.
- Here’s a short homily on Ezra by Hebrew Fellow, Jason Jackson. This could be an excellent seed for a sermon of your own.
- Did you know that Francis Asbury has an instagram account?
- Check out Wesleyan Scholar, Dr. Andrew Thompson, a featured writer in the Seedbed Blogger’s Society, on John Wesley and the expectation of revival.
- For daily visual Seedbed updates join our instagram community. It’s 100% certified fresh potluck fun.
- Do you remember “The John Wesley Great Experiment” aka 10 Brave Christians? Seedbed has brought it back. Excellent small group, or even church-wide, resource.
- Finally, you don’t want to miss this stirring post on partnering with Joel Osteen.
Even without these seventeen enumerated AWESOME ideas, this Alumni-Link would be the best ever way to begin Fall 2013.