Alumni Link

Steve Moore Named 2013 Distinguished Alumnus

Published Date: December 11, 2013

by Sheilla Lovell, Special Assistant to the President , Asbury Theological Seminary

Director of Alumni, Tammy Cessna states, “The Award Committee is pleased to announce that the winner of the 2013 Asbury Theological Seminary Distinguished Alumni Award is Dr. Steven G. W. Moore. After much consideration by the selection committee, it became clear that Steve Moore should be the recipient. Steve has a distinguished career in higher education as well as deep roots at Asbury Theological Seminary. He graduated with a MDiv in 1980 and then returned to be the Senior Vice President from 2001-2005. He continues to serve the seminary as a current member of the Board of Trustees. Congratulations Steve!”

Dr. Moore is currently serving as the Executive Director and CEO of the M. J. Mudock Charitable Trust in Vancouver, WA, a position he has held since 2006. The Trust is a private foundation which seeks to nurture and enrich the educational, spiritual, cultural and social life of individuals, families, and communities with particular interest in the Pacific Northwest.

Dr. Moore is an alumnus of McMurry University and earned his MDIV degree at Asbury Seminary in 1980. He is also a graduate of St. Andrews University and received his doctorate from the University of Michigan in 1992. He did post-graduate work at Hebrew University and Harvard University and was a visiting scholar at Oxford University.

Dr. Moore has always had a love for students. He served as Executive Director of the Wesley Foundation at Texas Tech University, then Vice President for Campus Life at Seattle Pacific University, and after that Vice President of Student Life at Baylor University.

President Timothy C. Tennent commented, “Steve brings such a diverse background and experience to Asbury Seminary, for which I am so grateful. His love for students and student formation is legendary. I have met people all across the country who were either discipled by him or were part of a Wesley Fellowship which he helped to organize. Steve understands the multiplication inherent in discipleship and forming new leaders for the church!”

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0 responses to “Steve Moore Named 2013 Distinguished Alumnus”

  1. joan krupa says:

    Well deserved and a great choice.

    • Wayne Kenney says:

      A great and wise choice! Steve represents the very best of what ministry should be about, regardless of the “office” or focus. Well done, Steve!

  2. Marv Gregory says:

    Congratulations, Steve! You have always been a Barnabas. I’m grateful to God for your impact on so many lives, including mine!

  3. Rachel Baxter says:

    Congrats Steve! Fond memories of time at Tech Wesley.

  4. Ajith Fernando says:

    Great choice. I ministered with his ministry about 25 years ago in Lubbock Texas and was very impressed with his approach to ministry.

  5. Amy (Lerner) Wasserbauer says:

    Congratulations Steve!!! You’ve never stopped “raising up a new generation of Christian leaders!” What an honor it’s been to see how God has used you through these many years! Your heart, vision, and passion have impact so many – and I’ve learned so much from you! Thank you for your faithful service!

  6. Amy (Lerner) Wasserbauer says:

    Congratulations Steve!!! You’ve never stopped “raising up a new generation of Christian leaders!” What an honor it’s been to see how God has used you through these many years! Your heart, vision, and passion have impacted so many – and I’ve learned so much from you! Thank you for your faithful service!

  7. Dora Gafford says:

    Congratulations Steve. I can’t wait to see if Ben has seen this yet. I know he will be pleased. Dora

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