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The Grace-Filled Life: The Importance of Bible Teaching

Published Date: November 1, 2019

For this academic year, Asbury Theological Seminary has adopted a community focus on living a “Grace-Filled Life” and utilizing the Means of Grace as a way to grow in our faith. During the month of September, we focused on banding together for mutual growth and accountability. The month resulted in more than 200 students being added to our DNA discipleship bands as well as many staff members! We also saw many more alumni and friends who “banded together” at the New Room Conference in Tennessee.

For the month of October, our focus turned to prayer. How can we grow in relationship with someone we never talk with? The same is true for our relationship with God. Our community talked about what prayer actually is and how to have a vibrant and authentic prayer life. This led to many spontaneous prayer groups being formed, which not only connected us in a deeper way with God, but also knit us together in our mutual desire for revival and awakening.

For the month of November, our focus will be on the importance of Bible teaching. We cannot know the mind of the Father without dedicating ourselves to the words He inspired in Scripture. Part of our Seminary culture is a focus on “The Whole Bible for the Whole World.” If we stray even a little from the precepts God has set forth there, we are in danger of straying outside the will of God for us. The following video will explain more about this month’s focus:

Importance of Bible Teaching from Asbury Theological Seminary on Vimeo.

Join us in chapel to hear the best preaching and instruction regarding these means of grace. You can view the chapel schedule here.

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