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Published Date: October 3, 2022


Although Rev. Swick published this book a few years ago, it is still very timely. The book combines psychological research and dynamics of mate selection and marriage with a solid biblical foundation and understanding of mate selection, marriage practices, and related social customs presented throughout the biblical writings. It focuses on stages of social, moral, spiritual and life development which impact a person’s growth and maturity. It seeks to present developmental aspects necessary to live in a long term marriage which honors Jesus. It is not limited to an American or Western perspective. It also seeks to present mate selection and marriage in a more universal perspective with insights from eastern and other cultures. See below for the excerpt and further information.
Mate selection is the second most important decision we make in life! This decision determines whether our life will be blessed and full of joy or if it will be a painful calamity. If it is a calamity, then it will bring disastrous effects on us, our mate, our children, and our extended family and friends. Who can best guide us through this decision? Parents frequently convey to their children that the only criteria for success in mate selection and marriage are money and education. Parents want their children to excel in marriage, but they give their children no specialized training or emphasis on preparing their lives and being the kind of person who can secure a godly mate and maintain a permanent, lasting relationship. I see churches striving to attract youths and young adults to the church. I see churches challenging youths to be exceptional in their faithfulness to Jesus. I want to see churches teaching teenagers and young adults to be intimate with one another while maintaining sexual purity. I want to see churches teaching youths how to build the skills that will make them an excellent mate and future parent. I want to see churches teaching youths and young adults how to find healing for the pains that are destroying their lives. I see churches teaching that God demands holiness, and I want to see them teaching that holiness is the most enjoyable, beneficial, and only lifestyle that can and will bring permanence to all of our relationships, including marriage.
You can find more information or purchase the book on Amazon. It’s also available through Apple and at Barnes and Noble.

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