Alumni Link

Asbury Theological Seminary’s Voices Collection

Published Date: September 1, 2016

Asbury Theological Seminary’s Voices Collection tells the many ways our alumni, current students, faculty and staff are attempting something big for God. But what does that mean? Really it’s just a simple yes and an act of faithful obedience to Him.

“In the final analysis, our mission is… about the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ and joining the living God in His mission in the world,” Dr. Timothy Tennent, President of Asbury Theological Seminary, said. “We are living into a challenge which God put into my heart many years ago: ‘Attempt something so big, that unless God intervenes, it is bound to fail.’”

The Voices Collection shares the stories of alumni, current students, faculty and staff from around the world as they share how God has worked in their lives and ministries. Folks that work in churches, mission fields, trash dumps, inner cities, national parks, universities, coffee houses, businesses, community gardens, to name a few. Allow God to open your mind to the possibilities of what ministry can look like to a life laid down.

These are people just like you with one thing in common – they trusted God and answered His call.

And, if you catch someone in the act of obedience to God, share it with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the #attemptsomethingbig. We want to see and hear how God is at work each day!

Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. Zechariah 4:6

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One response to “Asbury Theological Seminary’s Voices Collection”

  1. God has lead me to develop a brand new ministry concept that helps people stay in constant contact with Jesus throughout the day. The website address is: This ministry provide daily texts to the user in the form of a text from Jesus based on Scripture. The texts can arrive 1, 2, or 3 times a day based on the users preference. The response to this new ministry has been incredible.

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