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Worship with Others During Social Distancing: ATS Chapel

Published Date: April 2, 2020

Sometimes the hardest things we go through in life cause us to feel isolated and withdrawn. Especially during a time where we are in need of social distancing, we can feel even more alone—like we are left out of a community. Luckily, Asbury Seminary understands the importance of a commitment to corporate worship and togetherness! In instances of deep stress, worry, and loneliness, remember that the Lord has made a way for drawing closer to Him and had given an opportunity to praise His name amidst it all. 

We understand how deep the Father loves us, and we want to provide the best opportunities to continue worshipping, praying, and leaning into His goodness during this troubling time. Worship is incredibly important to ATS because it is incredibly important to God, so we are still worshipping together with virtual chapel!

Please join us in worshipping with our community every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 11 am through our livestream so that we can stay connected and prayerful with one another. For more information, contact or Hunter Bethea at 859.858.2198.

We also invite you to read our daily offering of prayer for these turbulent times. On this page, we offer daily prayers from faculty, staff, and students. Join us as we seek God’s comfort, hope, and healing.

You can stay up-to-date with our encouraging posts and prayerful meditations through our social media platforms:

Join us in our community to worship, praise, and pray for the world as we trust in the One who is so worthy of our adoration!

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