Licensed Professional Counselor Categories and Courses

Listed below are the major educational categories that you will find in the majority of state’s counselor license law. You will need to pay careful attention if your state of choice requires a specific course (such as treatment of alcohol or a course on sexuality) that is an elective in our program. You will also need to attend carefully to the number of hours in practicum or internship required by your state of choice. This is a general guideline since state regulations and descriptions vary a bit and permit the use of other courses. All courses are 3 semester hours, unless otherwise specified.

Professional Orientation CO624 Community Counseling
Counseling Theory CO601 Counseling Theories & Techniques
CO600 Family Systems Theory
Counseling Techniques CO655 Counseling Relationship: Process & Skills
CO515 Use of Forgiveness in Counseling
CO618 Systemic Counseling of Children and Adolescents
CO520 Narrative Counseling
CO660 Crisis Counseling
CO630 Play Therapy
CO735 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
CO625 Recognizing and Treating Addictive Disorders
CO626 Couples Counseling Theory & Technique
CO627 Family Counseling Theory & Technique
CO670 Marriage and Family Counseling
Diagnosis of Mental and Emotional Disorders CO720 Psychopathology: Theory & Assessment
Human Growth and Development
CO622 meets the requirements for course on lifespan development.
CO622 Theories of Personality
CO615 Family Development: Discipleship in the Home
CO621 Psychology of Religion
CO620 Moral Development
CO611 Human Sexuality
CD616 Young and Middle Adult Development
Social and Cultural Foundations CO730 Advanced Issues in Cross-Cultural Counseling
CO526 Counseling and Christian Beliefs
Group Dynamics, Processing, & Counseling CO675 Group Counseling
Life-style & Career Development CO680 Career Counseling
Appraisal of the Individual CO715 Assessment Inventories in Counseling
Research and Evaluation CO725 Research Seminary Theory and Design
Professional, Legal, and Ethical Responsibilities CO610 Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling
Practicum/Internship CO700 Counseling Practicum
CO705 & CO706 Counseling Internship I, II
CO708 [1-3 hours] Counseling Internship III
Many states will designate 100 hours for practicum and 600 hours for internship, as many universities have an on-campus counseling center where students do practicum for 1 semester, and then go off-campus for internship.
ATS requires only 600 hours to fulfill the requirements for CO705 & CO706.