Advisory Board
Kathy Armistead
Managing Editor, The Methodist Review: A Journal of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies.
Barry Callen
Distinguished Professor of Christian Studies, Emeritus, Anderson University. Editor of
Anderson University Press and the Wesleyan Theological Journal.
Ted A. Campbell
Professor of Church History at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist
Elton Hendricks
President Emeritus, Methodist University.
Henry Knight III
Donald and Pearl Wright Professor Emeritus of Wesleyan Studies and E. Stanley Jones Professor of Evangelism at Saint Paul School of Theology.
Gareth Lloyd
Archivist (Nonconformist collections)
Methodist Archivist, Methodist Archives and Research Centre, John Rylands University
Library of Manchester.
Manfred Marquardt
Professor Emeritus, The United Methodist School of Theology in Reutlingen, Germany.
Phil Meadows
The Sundo Kim Professor of Evangelism
Samuel M. Powell
Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Point Loma Nazarene University.
Peter Rae
Academic Dean, Nazarene Theological College, Manchester, England.
Russell Richey
Dean Emeritus of Candler School of Theology and William R. Cannon Distinguished
Professor of Church History Emeritus, Emory University and Senior Fellow of Emory’s
Center for the Study of Law and Religion.