Life of Discipleship

I hope you’ve enjoyed the journey as you watched these videos and learned more about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. The journey is only beginning. During the semester, you’ll take a deeper dive in your classes, chapels and other gatherings, learning more about what discipleship means.

Visit the Formation website ( for more information. Theological education, spiritual formation and Christian discipleship are inseparable. I pray your academic journey is exciting and your formational journey joyful as you surrender to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit.

Courses on The Life of Discipleship

 CD501 – Vocation of Ministry

CD605 – Gospel Catechesis: Transformative Discipleship

CD/MF615 Family Development: Discipleship and the Home

CS/CD/MS676 Discipling for Evangelism and Social Justice

MS750/ME950 Missional Discipleship

MS714/ME914 Theology of Evangelism

MS735/ME935 Wesleyan Missiology

MM520, 620, 720 and various practicums 

SF502 The Spiritual Life of the Leader

SF625 Theology & Spiritual Formation

SF630 Wesleyan Tradition and Spiritual Formation

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