June 2022

The Alumni Link is a monthly e-publication provided to the alumni of Asbury Theological Seminary

Dr. Timothy Tennent: Charge to the Graduates

The gospel is not about allowing God to play a small role in our drama – the gospel is becoming swept up into His great drama.

Bolstering Asbury’s M.Div. Cohort

Please consider helping us to equip future ministers to lead and labor as scholar servants in a changing world!

What’s New at Asbury Church Planting?

Check out the latest CPI happenings!

Beeson Corner: Serving the New Global Methodist Church

The Beeson School of Practical Theology has helped lead Asbury’s growing relationship with the Global Methodist Church (GMC).

One Golden Grad’s Reflections on Commencement 2022

Dr. LeRoy Kettinger’s reflections on this celebration demonstrate how God blessed the efforts of all involved.

Editorial: Learning to Say Goodbye

The life shared here lends itself to closeness as brothers and sisters in Christ that is virtually unparalleled, making the physical parting of ways that much more difficult to face.

Updates, Events, and Publications

Click here to learn about recent updates, events, and all kinds of publications from faculty and alumni just like you around the world!

Job and Ministry Opportunities – June 2022

Looking for a job or ministry position? Check out what’s new this month!


We pause to honor our brothers and sisters who have gone home to glory.