November 2022

The Alumni Link is a monthly e-publication provided to the alumni of Asbury Theological Seminary

Dr. Timothy Tennent: Global Alumni Center at Asbury Theological Seminary

The ground floor of the Crary-McPheeters building has been transformed into a museum-quality tribute to the amazing ministry of you, our alumni.

N. T. Wright is Coming to Asbury!

Find out more about when you can hear from this renowned theologian!

New Issue of the Asbury Journal

The Fall 2022 edition of The Asbury Journal is now available!

What’s New at Asbury Church Planting?

Check out the latest updates from the Center for Church Multiplication!

New Book Explores Women’s Leadership In and Beyond the Church

When Women Lead is a word born out of research to help men and women both better understand the unique leadership challenges of women, for the sake of building a better leader for the cause of Christ.

Editorial: Fall – When the Leaves (and Our Sanity) Go Down

Autumn is a yearly reminder that seasons of plenty often end in seasons of waiting.

Updates, Events, and Publications

Click here to learn about recent updates, events, and all kinds of publications from faculty and alumni around the world!

Job and Ministry Opportunities – November 2022

Looking for a job or ministry position? Check out what’s new this month!


We pause to honor our brothers and sisters who have gone home to glory.