Dr. A. Sue Russell

Professor of Mission and Contextual Studies
Before coming to Asbury, Dr. Russell was the Associate Professor of Anthropology and the Chair of the Department of Anthropology at Biola University. Prior to that, she spent 17 years in cross-cultural ministry and field research with Wycliffe Bible Translators in S. E. Asia, where she worked with a committee of national pastors to complete the translation of the whole Bible into the Tagal language.
Her educational background provides the interdisciplinary foundations for bridging New Testament studies and missions. Her research, which focuses on the integration of the social sciences and Biblical theology, has contributed new insights to New Testament studies, Anthropology of Christianity, and Contextual studies. Her research interests are Christian Origins, Social-Scientific Criticism, Anthropology of Christianity, Contextualization, Language and Identity, Gender, and Social Justice. She is passionate about equipping people to live missionally in their global context.
Sue and her husband, David, moved to Wilmore in the summer of 2014.