Faculty Teaching Internationally

As a means of furthering our founding mandate to “spread scriptural holiness throughout the world,” Asbury Theological Seminary established an endowed program, called the Beeson International Travel program, which allows full-time faculty, affiliates, and emeritus/a faculty to travel to a recognized institution or organization for the purpose of serving the global church through teaching.

Mrs. Orlean Bullard Beeson, in her estate gift to the Seminary, established a “Foreign Scholars-in-Residence” program to “defray the costs and expenses of foreign scholars visiting the seminary as advanced students or as teachers and professors upon the invitation of the seminary.” While the original vision was to encourage international scholars to visit the Seminary, the endowment currently facilitates sending faculty outside of the United States as well as receiving faculty and scholars from overseas.

The preferred purpose of the Beeson International Travel grant for Asbury Theological Seminary faculty must be explicitly for teaching a course in a seminary or Bible college that is preparing ministers. This program will assist with Core Value #1 of the Seminary’s 2023 Strategic Plan, as stated below:

Asbury Theological Seminary will be committed to serving the Global Church. We will be ever mindful of the global Church as we develop new programs, utilize technology and innovative delivery systems, understanding global trends, and partner with theological institutions around the world. We will strategically deploy faculty, student, and learning resources on every continent in a collaborative way marked by servant leadership.

Recent BIT Faculty Trips

2023-2024 Academic Year

Country School/Location Partner Institution
Philippines Church of the Nazarene, Philippines District
India Shalom Bible Seminary and Oriental Theological Seminary
South Korea Kwanglim Methodist Church in Seoul, South Korea
Vietnam The Institute of Bible and Theology – Tin Lanh Church
India Urban India Ministries and PLACE PLACE
Indonesia Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Wesley Methodist Indonesia
India Caleb Institute
Latvia Baltic School of Ministry
Croatia European GMC Adria Conference GMC
Philippines APNTS (Philippines) and NTC (Australia) APNTS/NTC
Thailand China Outreach
Sri Lanka Colombo Theological Seminary
Estonia Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary BMTS
Kyrgyzstan Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary UETS
Japan Tokyo Biblical Seminary
Kenya Kapsowar School of Theology