November 2016
The Alumni Link is a monthly e-publication provided to the alumni of Asbury Theological Seminary
Seedbed, New Room, New Room Bands & the Wesley Covenant Association
These are days for renewed hope. God is moving us to travailing prayer. God is calling us to repentance. God is preparing us for new streams of life, hope and vibrancy. None of us knows the future of any denomination, including the United Methodist Church.
Prominence and Marked Constructions in Romans 1:16
Dr. Frederick Long was surprised with how much his students were capable of recognizing in Rom. 1:16 in his beginners Greek course.
Alumni Spotlight: Tim Johnson
“I came to Asbury in February 1998 as an empty sponge. I left this holy campus in May 2001 as a overflowing cup, ready to be poured out.”
How to Adult
This hand is where you are, and this hand is where you want to be. The gap between these two hands … that’s where frustration breeds. That gap tells me something is missing, and how I respond to this gap makes all the difference in the world.
G. Herbert Livingston Archaeology and Israel Studies Learning Lab
Asbury Theological Seminary dedicates the G. Herbert Livingston Archaeology and Israel Studies Learning Lab. The lab serves as a museum, laboratory, research resource and enhanced classroom on the third floor of Crary-McPheeters.
Asia Immersion Trip 2016
Student Tori Moody shares of her trip with Asbury, “I recently had the opportunity to travel to South Korea with faculty from Asbury Seminary, along with some D.Min. and M.Div. students. Our short immersion allowed us to get a snapshot of the Methodist Church’s large movement within South Korea.”
Library Resources for Alumni!
The B. L. Fisher Library’s service to you continues after graduation. Whether you need material for a sermon or wish to engage critical thinking skills, we have material that meets your needs.
Alumni Career Opportunities – Federal Prison Chaplaincy
I think seminaries as a whole with the changing American landscape are becoming more open to new forms of ministry outside the local church. I wanted to pass on the most recent recruitment materials from the Central Office in Washington D.C. of the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
We’re in a season of harvest at Seedbed and as part of that, we’re looking to gain valuable insight from Asbury Seminary alumni!
Alumni Publications-November 2016
Reverend Dr. Bobby Cabot has led a life of ministry concerning healing prayer and deliverance. Her latest book: “Morning Prayer For A Powerful Life,” continues that ministry.