October 2013
The Alumni Link is a monthly e-publication provided to the alumni of Asbury Theological Seminary
Small World
by J. Ellsworth KalasWhen I can afford both the time and the money, I buy a copy of The New York Times. I especially like its obituaries. They are almost unfailingly interesting, even when the particular persons are unknown to me. Several weeks ago I came upon the obituary of John Casablancas, “pioneer in modeling.” […]
En Route to Our Future
Asbury Theological Seminary 5th Convocation Address of Dr. Timothy C. Tennent Estes Chapel, September 03, 2013 Florida-Dunnam Campus, September 05, 2013 Introduction Ben Meyer once wrote that “Christianity has never been more true to itself, more consistent with the message of Jesus, or more evidently in route to its own future than in the launching […]
Christward Movements in Contemporary India
by Dr. Prabhu Singh, (2004, ThM; 2008, PhD)“They (Samaritans) came out of the town and made their way toward him (Christ).” (John 4:30) Nearly 30 years ago, a high caste Jat Sikh was walking through a street in Punjab, his mind filled with anxiety regarding his younger son who was suffering from polio. He saw […]
Ministry in the Marketplace: Expecting the Unexpected
by Dr. Andrea Baare, (2009, D.Min) Serving Christ in the corporate world means working with God’s enthusiasm for unexpected moves, twists, and turns to plant a seed of faith. I try to obediently follow based on the promise, “For I know the plans I have for you, … plans to prosper you and not to […]
Following Christ or a Successful Career?
by Bill Wrobleski (2009, MATS) “Dad, aren’t you coming to church with us?” For years, this was the Sunday morning refrain as my wife and my two young children loaded up the car and headed out to church as I sat reading the paper on the couch. It was a weekly ritual that played out […]
Transform Lives, Transform Communities
by Sandra Blumanhourst, Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore Campus, Alumni Office We received an email from Mr. Bill Tillman, Director of Advancement on the Florida Dunnam Campus, about one of our alumni, Dennis Owen (2009, MDiv). Dennis is a retired attorney. The email read “Dennis lives in Jacksonville, Fl, and has been very involved in a […]
Sail Away with Me-Alumni Cruise
by Sandra Blumanhourst, Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore Campus, Alumni Office Styx has a song about sailing away. In it, the band sings about searching “for tomorrow on every shore.” In a year, Asbury Theological Seminary Alumni and Friends will be setting sail to voyage through Paul’s 2nd and 3rd missionary journeys. Our trip will be one […]
The HUB: The Connection Continues
by Sandra Blumanhourst, Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore Campus, Alumni Office Eight months ago we launched The HUB for the Asbury Theological Seminary Alumni. One of our goals was to connect Alumni across time and space with one another. Another goal we have had is to incorporate current students into The HUB. This will allow current students […]
Center for Soul Care: Setting People, Once Again, Within Their True Identity
by Marilyn Elliot, (DMin, 2006; MA, 1998), Vice President of Community Formation Jesus said, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” (John 4:10) In his little book, “God’s Healing Community”1 Frank Bateman Stanger […]
36 Seeds You Might Have Missed on Seedbed Last Month
We finished parts 2 and 3 of the video interview series with Dr. Michael Quicke of Northern Seminary. Good stuff on preaching Scripture, the Holy Spirit and the use of personal stories without being self referential. While you are at it, you can see all of the Seedbed posts on preaching so far here. 7 […]