Worship Resources
“Worship is not that which I do, but that which is done in me.” –Robert Webber, Ancient-Future Worship
Asbury Seminary is a training place for ministry leaders – both clergy and lay. We believe that a key part of the “Asbury Seminary Experience” is the formation that happens in one’s life while a student. This happens inside and outside the classroom. Chapel is one place where we are introduced to new practices and equipped for current and future ministry.
That’s why Asbury Seminary Chapel offers resources like the ones you’ll find here. In the menu you’ll encounter prayers to pray, sermons to reference, liturgical practices to try, instructions for how to lead communion, and even a history of Estes Chapel. We hope that you can take what you learn as we worship together and share it with your community.
If you have questions or feedback about anything you see on our website, or a story to share from using our resources, we’d love to hear from you at chapel@asburyseminary.edu.