Global Vision
One of the challenges ahead for Asbury Theological Seminary is how to responsibly engage the world as we continue to embrace our legacy as a globally minded institution. The global church is growing rapidly. No longer is the majority of Christianity made up of Europeans and North Americans. Instead, the church is growing exponentially in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Even the fastest growing churches in the United States are often populated by immigrant communities.
The shift currently taking place in the worldwide Christian community demands a new vision for all forms of ministerial leadership. Asbury Theological Seminary is committed to pioneering this vision and expanding its ministerial training to cultivate leaders across denominational, national, and cultural lines. We believe God is calling forth a glorious harvest from around the world, and Asbury Theological Seminary is rising to heed this great commission.
Today, Asbury Theological Seminary challenges women and men to approach ministry from a more global perspective. We strive to equip students at the Seminary to become more aware of what God is doing around the world. We continually seek to become increasingly more aligned with what God is doing with many emerging Christian groups around the world who share our commitment to the authority of Scripture, the centrality of Jesus Christ, and the ongoing power of the Christian gospel.