Hispanic Community

The Florida Dunnam campus of Asbury Theological Seminary had barely opened its doors when clergy and laity in the Hispanic community requested a theological education offered in Spanish. The campus worked to develop a relationship with fourteen different Hispanic subcultures in the community, including Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans and Panamanians.  In 2001 the Florida campus began to offer the Latino/a Studies Program.

The Justo L. Gonzalez Resource Center, (http://www.thejustocenter.org/) named after a leading Latino theologian, opened its doors in the Fall of 2011 on the Florida Dunnam Campus. The Center was established by La Asociación para la Educación Teológica Hispana (AETH), an organization that includes Asbury Theological Seminary as one of its members, in order to provide a place to address theological issues affecting Latino/a ministries, as well as other issues facing the Latino/a community. It continues the legacy of Dr. Gonzalez by providing a home for his many honorary degrees, certificates, books, notes, and unpublished works.  It serves Hispanic ministries by providing relevant theological resources and by producing opportunities for dialogue among educators and students.