Dean of Chapel

Meet the Chapel Staff

Dr. Jessica LaGrone

Dean of Chapel

  • BA in Biology, Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas
  • MDiv Asbury Theological Seminary
  • DMin 2022 Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

Jessica LaGrone became the Dean of the Chapel at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky in 2014. She is an acclaimed pastor, teacher, speaker, and writer whose engaging communication style endears her to groups throughout the United States. A native of Texas, Jessica is an ordained pastor who served churches in the Houston area, most recently serving for nine years at The Woodlands Methodist Church near Houston, Texas.

Jessica’s books and studies include Out of Chaos; Namesake: When God Rewrites Your Story; Under Wraps; Broken and Blessed: How God Used One Imperfect Family to Change the World; Set Apart: Holy Habits of Prophets and Kings; and The Miracles of Jesus. Jessica is a contributor to an all-church Advent study called Under Wraps and is the New Testament video presenter for the Disciple Fast Track series. Her works have been used in personal and group studies around the world.

Jessica and her husband, Jim, have two young children, Drew and Kate.

Emily Allen

Coordinator of Worship

Emily Allen has been the Coordinator of Worship since June 2021. She is a graduate of Houghton University (College) with her Bachelor of Arts in Theology and a current MDiv student at Asbury Seminary. Emily is passionate about worshiping Jesus and raising up leaders in the church to do the same. Her favorite part of her job is working collaboratively with the Chapel Intern Team, as together they learn the theology of worship and plan Chapel services.

Emily is originally from Penn Yan, New York and plans to eventually return to New York to serve as a Methodist pastor.

Melanie Daniel

Administrative Assistant

Melanie Daniel has worked as the Administrative Assistant to the Chapel Office since April 2022. Her favorite part about this role is finding ways to connect team members to opportunities of fellowship and growth.

Melanie loves experiencing many “firsts” through the eyes of her two boys, Brian and Porter, keeping up with the Marvel Cinematic Universe with her husband, Adam, and snuggling her fuzzy poodle, Bijou. Melanie is originally from Knoxville, Tennessee and enjoys traveling to new places with her family.

Chapel Interns

Shelby Fiske

Lead Intern

Shelby Fiske has been the Lead Chapel Intern since August 2023. She graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University and worked in campus ministry for several years before attending Asbury. She is currently pursuing her Master of Theology (ThM) in Biblical Studies.

Shelby is passionate about creating embodied worship spaces that help Christians as embodied creatures focus on the Lord. She loves being involved in something that brings people together as the body of Christ to grow in their faith and with each other as a community.

Originally from Needville, Texas, Shelby loves dancing, reading, and creating. She is a firm believer in the wonder of the ordinary things that God has surrounded us with, and will always find time to talk about the Old Testament telling the story that would lead us to Christ.

Shelby is married to a wonderful and goofy husband, Nathan, and has a very fluffy dog named Heather.

Hayden Lenderman

Music Intern

Hayden graduated from the University of Arkansas with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Following a brief stint in the engineering field, he jumped at the opportunity to do vocational ministry as a worship leader. He recently made the switch from a global student to an in-person student in the M.Div program, where he looks forward to being part of this unique body of Christ as we worship the Lord together.

Hayden’s desire in worship is that God would be truly glorified and that the Church would understand what they are joining in. He enjoys music, martial arts, and reading.

Cade Gremillion

Liturgical Intern

Cade Gremillion has been the Liturgical Intern since the fall of 2022. He graduated from Ohio Christian University with a Bachelor’s degree in Christian ministry and is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Theological Studies at Asbury.

Cade’s favorite part of his role on the chapel team is working with like-minded friends in stewarding a special time to meet with God amidst the turmoil of daily life. He is originally from Lancaster, Ohio, and enjoys hiking and watching sports.

The Chapel Intern Team

The Chapel Team is a group of 12-15 students who work together to plan and lead worship in Estes Chapel. As a team, the interns focus on loving God and neighbor, learning in community, and leading together.

Chapel Internships are a two-semester volunteer commitment open to students and spouses. Interns assist in the day-to-day operations of the Chapel Office. Interns develop a close working relationship and receive mentoring from both the Dean of Chapel and Coordinator of Worship. Together, this unique team seeks spiritual growth, personal piety, and leadership development by giving one’s self to God in worship, prayer, and conversation. The Internship Program is designed to be a living laboratory to learn and practice worship planning, creativity, detail management, and leadership. This is a ministry opportunity unlike any other. Serving as a Chapel Intern is a great place to grow in the knowledge of theology and practice of worship.

Interns are asked to give 10 hours per week in servant leadership. They attend a weekly team meeting that consists of worship planning, team building, and theological/spiritual/leadership formation, and they attend a retreat at the start of each semester. Additionally, interns will have specific duties during Chapel including set up, counting attendance, greeting, etc. Chapel Interns will have a greater opportunity to lead in Chapel through scripture reading, prayer, leading liturgical elements, hosting and preaching in Daily Eucharist, and other unique opportunities. The Chapel Office is committed to helping interns grow in their knowledge of worship leadership, and equipping them to lead a worshiping community in the future.

The Chapel Team may be used as Mentored Ministry I or II credit (non-local church option). The Chapel Intern Team recruits new interns at the end of each Spring Semester. To apply, reach out to and be on the lookout on our social media for the application.